Friday, May 19, 2006

Scandalous, absolutely scandalous...

A top club manager with a son employed as a football agent, a league where everybody is alleged to like a "bung", regular Asian betting coup scandals - including the match which decided its Champions League places, clubs which spent money on European qualification before it was achieved, managers trying to influence referees... and all the power concentrated in the hands of a few mega rich clubs.

It sounds horrible doesn't it? I don't know how anyone can watch the English Premiership any more...


martinobhoy said...

And it's a one horse race every year.

Spangly Princess said...

hehe ginkers very nice. i must say the wheels are falling off juve in a most gratifying fashion though.

ginkers said...

It is pleasant to see Juve in the firing line for once. We always knew that they were at it - we just didn't know how wide their influence was. I say send them down to C2 - I know how that feels.